CrowdStrike Outage, an Opportunity for Smarter IT Choices?

The recent CrowdStrike outage was a challenging time for many, causing frustration and disruption. However, it also brings valuable lessons that can help us make wiser, more informed decisions about our IT strategies. Let’s explore how we can turn this event into an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Consolidating your tools: Simplifying IT management

The outage has made many of us realise that managing multiple tools and services can be complicated. Many companies are already paying for this but may be underutilising their entitlements.

Using what you already have could simplify your IT environment and save money.

A strategic approach would be to use specialised solutions like CrowdStrike for cloud-only environments while relying on Microsoft for desktop security, helping you cover all bases without overcomplicating your IT setup.


Microsoft: Boon or bane?

Microsoft received some negative attention during the outage, but there’s a hidden opportunity here. Microsoft can turn this situation around by demonstrating the strength and reliability of its security solutions.

Imagine having one comprehensive security solution that covers both cloud and on-premises environments.

Microsoft has the potential to offer this, making it an appealing option for businesses looking for simplicity and reliability.


Focusing on end-user devices: The frontline of your business

One key lesson from the outage is the critical importance of end-user computing (EUC) devices—our everyday computers, laptops, and tablets. The disruption mainly affected these devices, highlighting the need for more attention and care.

While we often focus on servers and cloud infrastructure, it’s crucial to ensure that our end-user devices are secure and reliable. By investing in the right tools and support for these devices, we can protect our frontline and maintain smooth operations.


Strengthening business continuity plans

The outage also revealed weaknesses in many companies’ business continuity plans (BCPs). When things went wrong, end-users faced the most pain and frustration. This highlights the need for better preparation and planning.

Who is responsible when things go wrong—CrowdStrike or the companies using their services?

The truth is both have a role to play. While CrowdStrike needs to ensure reliable service, companies must have strong, actionable BCPs. This includes having clear steps for responding to incidents, communicating effectively, and minimising disruption for users.


Learning and growing together

By transforming the lessons learned from the CrowdStrike outage into actionable strategies, businesses can improve IT management, enhance security, and strengthen their business continuity plans. A proactive approach ensures better preparedness for future challenges, enabling continued smooth operations even in the face of disruptions.

By implementing these strategies, organisations can turn challenges into opportunities, ensuring resilience and efficiency in their IT operations.

Let’s use this experience to become wiser, more resilient, and better prepared for the future.


If you want to know more, please reach out to us at Let’s discuss how you can strengthen your IT strategy and ensure robust business continuity.


  1. CrowdStrike’s Response to Outage: Understanding the nature and resolution of the CrowdStrike outage can provide insights into their future improvements and reliability.
  2. Microsoft 365 Security Solutions: Explore how Microsoft’s integrated security offerings can be leveraged.
  3. Business Continuity Planning: Learn more about creating and maintaining robust business continuity plans from various sources.
  4. End-User Computing Security: Best practices for securing end-user devices.