
Curious about achieving cloud financial success?

FinOps redefines cloud management, emphasising financial accountability. From accelerating product releases to aligning investment decisions, FinOps empowers teams to navigate cloud intricacies, optimising costs and fostering growth.

If it seems that FinOps is about saving money, think again.

FinOps is about making money.

Regardless of the name, FinOps is the practice of bringing a financial accountability cultural change to the variable spend model of cloud, enabling distributed engineering and business teams to make trade-offs between speed, cost, and quality in their cloud architecture and investment decisions. This is why your choice of management tool is so important.

Cloud spend can drive more revenue, signal customer base growth, enable more product and feature release velocity, or even help shut down a data center.

FinOps is all about removing blockers; empowering engineering teams to deliver better features, apps, and migrations faster; and enabling a cross-functional conversation about where to invest and when.

Sometimes a business will decide to tighten the belt; sometimes it’ll decide to invest more. But now teams know why they’re making those decisions.

FinOps Maturity Model

The FinOps practice involves an inherent iterative nature, where the maturity of any specific process, functional activity, capability, or domain enhances through repetition.

A “Crawl, Walk, Run” maturity approach to performing FinOps enables organisations to start small, and grow in scale, scope and complexity as business value warrants maturing a functional activity. Taking quick action at a small scale and limited scope allows FinOps teams to assess the outcomes of their actions, and to gain insights into the value of taking further action in a larger, faster, or more granular way.

Core Stakeholders of Cloud Financial Management

While a central FinOps function may work to enable organisational change, FinOps is not done by a single person or team but rather changes the way that disparate engineering, finance, and business teams work together. Individuals at every level and in every area of an organisation can have a different role to play in the FinOps practice: Executives, Engineers, FinOps Practitioners, Operations, Finance and Procurement. Read more about FinOps Personas and Roles…

How we can help:

We are first and foremost a services business and are independent when it comes to vendors, today we work with Flexera, ServiceNow, Snow and IBM to deliver the solution best fitted to your business.

When it comes to FinOps and managing your cloud cost, we work with both Flexera and Snow to deliver the solution best fitted to your needs as we believe both these organisations have a strong solution offering aligned to a FinOps strategy.

Looking to find out more, looking to bring your cloud costs under control then give the TMG team a call and speak to our Certified FinOps practitioner to understand how you can get started.